Experience Excitement

Benin – Ghana – Kenya

Not a Travel Business

We are not just a travel business. We are in the business of offering unforgettable experiences at exotic locations and from an authentic perspective. You travel with locals who are knowledgeable about the destination and you learn the history and cultures of the world as you explore new places and pursue your personal growth.

What to Expect

Our travel packages include authentic cultural experiences, history lessons, great foods, planned excursions, relaxing meditation, some adventure, and opportunities to connect with locals. You will leave a positive impact by sharing your own culture and humanity with the people you meet. We care about your personal journey and giving you a cultural experience that is more than just trying the food. We want you, whenever possible, to live like a local! Trips are planned in a way that connects you to people, brings you closer to your humanness, and allows you to meet with like-minded individuals.

Become a Member of Our Family

We do not consider you a client when you travel with us. You become a very important member of our family. Therefore, we want you to experience a safe, exquisite experience, deeply tied to local customs and culture. We arrange your lodging, excursions, as well as a detailed itinerary.
We forgot to mention one little detail: you may bring your phones on the trip, but in some instances, no phones and internet are allowed during excursions. We want you to experience every bit of your time abroad without distractions.

Book Your Tickets Now

Kenya - Benin - Ivory Coast - South Africa